Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
18 Halloween House Decorations That May Give You A Heart-Attack
Halloween, the most awaited festival of the year is coming to town. It’s the time we get into an exciting mood, coming up with endless creativity to make something spooky. While you are still wondering what to wear, others are preparing a unique space to fully enjoy this special occasion. Decorating houses is one of…
A young woman with facial tattoos and piercings confronted TJ Maxx employees after she was rejected a job.
Anyone who has ever been rejected from a job has probably wondered what made them unqualified for the position. Was it a lack of skills, your presentation style, or something else?Ash Putnam, 23, was recently rejected a job at TJ Maxx and vented her displeasure on TikTok, where her video went viral. Her video has…
Neighbor’s Hilarious Response to Halloween Decoration Criticism Went Viral!
It’s spooky season—a time for fun, scares, and a bit of darkness. During this time of year, we expect to see creepy decorations everywhere. It’s not yet time for the cheerful holiday season. However, just because Halloween is near doesn’t mean we can’t show kindness. One Halloween fan shared this message in a TikTok video…
59 vjet lek ‘i vjetër’ lek ‘i ri’. Rama dhe kabineti i tij nuk njohin monedhën shqiptare, prioritet euroizimit
Ndodh shpesh që termat ‘lek i vjetër’ dhe ‘lek i ri’ të ngatërrohen. Jo të gjithë arrijnë të bëjnë dallimin dhe diferencën mes të dyjave. Shqiptarët vazhdojnë prej një kohe shumë të gjatë të lexojnë kartëmonedhat e t’i shqiptojnë ndryshe nga vlera që shkruhet apo shifra. Në çmimet e tregut, në rroga e pagesa të…
Fans praise World Series MVP Freddie Freeman after what he said about his son following Dodgers’ win
Three months after Freddie Freeman was placed on the family emergency list after his 3-year-old son fell ill, he was named the World Series MVP.Following the Los Angeles Dodgers championship win again the New York Yankees, Freeman was asked about his son, Maximus Freeman’s battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). What he said about that journey…
Bikers found an ABANDONED DOG holding a plastic BAG in his mouth. When they looked inside they were shocked and RAN immediately for help. Here’s what the dog PROTECTED:
A 58-year-old man named Paul Skinner went for a bike ride with some of his friends. As they walked on a more secluded road they saw something strange moving in a ditch on the side of the road. They decided to approach to see better what was happening. When they got closer, they discovered a…
Prayers are needed for Kurt Russell. What happened to him is terrible…
Kurt Vogel Russell is an American actor.At the age of twelve, he made his screen debut in a western series.Russell’s portrayal in Mike Nichol’s Silkwood earned him a nomination for a 1983 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.Massachusetts’ Springfield is where Russell was born.Bing, his father, was an artist as well.His mother is ballerina Louise…
Abdixhiku: Qeveria ka betejë me të kaluarën, unë me të ardhmen – ky është dallimi kryesor (VIDEO)
Kreu i LDK-së, Lumir Abdixhiku ka thënë se përderisa Qeveria Kurti është e fokusuar në të kaluarën dhe ka betejë me të, për vete thotë se ka betejë me të ardhmen, e vetëm për të do të flet. “Qeveria në këto katër vjet nuk ka qenë në gjendje të bëjë një projekt të vetëm. Këta…
Në qeverinë tuaj nuk ka pasur asnjë ministër të korruptuar?”, Berisha i përgjigjet ironisë së Rakipllarit: U dënuan 630 zyrtarë pasi…
Kryetari i Partisë Demokratike Sali Berisha në një lidhje të drejtpërdrejtë për emisionin “Top Story” në Top Channel, u përfshi në një debat me drejtorin e informacionit në Top Channel, Robert Rakipllarin. Berisha u pyet nga Rakipllari nëse në qeverinë e tij nuk ka pasur asnjë ministër të korruptuar, duke iu përgjigjur se u dënuan…
Uplifting tweets prove women solidarity is a real thing
What makes humanity going and evolving is the way we care for one another. Being there for those in need and keeping each others’ backs should be a trait shared by each and every one of us. Yet, there is this belief that men stand for men more often than it happens between women. Female…
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