A heartwarming tale showing the power of small acts of kindness

Kindness is what makes this world go round, and even the tiniest act of kindness can go a long way and truly brighten one’s day.

A woman working as a waitress at a fast food restaurant spoke of a heartwarming experience that serves as a reminder that doing good can touch the lives of those who receive it.

One day while on the job, she noticed that the lady who was seated at the restaurant had forgotten her purse. It was a Louis Vuitton one, and the waitress was certain the lady would return for it, but as that didn’t happen, she took it to lost and found.

The waitress didn’t open the purse and had no idea what was inside.
Over a month had passed and no one claimed the purse, so the restaurant’s manager asked the waitress if she wanted to have it as it was obvious she liked it.

The waitress said yes, and the moment she opened it, she was completely stunned. The purse was empty, except for a single piece of paper with a handwritten message on it which read, “To the girl who needed a new purse during the holidays.” There was even a receipt for it. It cost $1,700, more than the waitress could ever pay for an item like that.

She knew that the lady intended to brighten her day when she visited the restaurant.

The waitress carefully placed all of her belongings inside the bag, which became more than just a fashion accessory but helped her build her confidence. She had her purse on every job interview she had, and today, when she’s able to afford such a purse herself, she still keeps the Louis Vuitton that reminds her of her past days and the kindness she received; kindness that affected a positive progress that changed her life for the better.

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